A tribute in the loving memory of Margaret aged 52, a beautiful wife, a caring mum, a devoted nana, a loving daughter, sister and aunt, who was sadly taken from us on the 12th September 2009, after a long and courageous battle with breast cancer. We will always love you and you will never be forgotten, God Bless.x
Thanks to all the girls who took part in the 5k Glasgow Park Run on Saturday 17th April 2010. An excellent effort from all and money raised for an excellent cause. Well done to all those who took part - Cathy Babbington, Julie Carlton, Maureen Esplin, Michelle Esplin, Jeanette Howat, Sandra MacIntosh, Mary McGoldrick, Margaret McClachlan, Roslyn Mitchell, Brenda Thomson, Liz Wright.
Cumulative to date £1,657
Well done to Kate and Emma for successfully completing the 10k run on Sunday 9th May 2010 and, i think, achieving personal bests (even with the minor fall – Kate!). Big thanks to both of you for raising an excellent £492.